

The Temp From Hell (Girls’ Night In 4)


Allison Rushby is the daughter of an author, (her second name Jane, is for Jane Austen). She has always written as long as she can remember, encouraged by her mother.

She was raised on a wholesome and steady diet of classic English literature. Some of her favourite books, re-read countless dog-eared times include Rumer Godden’s The Dolls’ House, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden, Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle and Noel Streatfield’s books.

Perhaps influenced by the latter author’s White Boots, she used to ice skate, with the full sequinned costume, jumps and spins! However, she is filled with horror by adrenaline sports, much preferring a nice cup of tea!

If she could time travel, she would return to London in the nineteen twenties, between the two World Wars however not being a fan of basic health care systems, would definitely take some antibiotics and a dentist with her!

She has long been a fan of cities with long, winding histories; wild, overgrown cemeteries; red brick Victorian museums; foxes, and ivy. One of her specialities is writing about ‘ghosts with issues’.

When not writing about these things, you can find her falling down the rabbit hole of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

She prefers to write with a cup of Darjeeling tea by her side and a Devon Rex cat curled up in her lap.

Her favourite words are oubliette and ambergris.


The Temp From Hell (Girls’ Night In 4)


Allison Rushby is the daughter of an author, (her second name Jane, is for Jane Austen). She has always written as long as she can remember, encouraged by her mother.

She was raised on a wholesome and steady diet of classic English literature. Some of her favourite books, re-read countless dog-eared times include Rumer Godden’s The Dolls’ House, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden, Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle and Noel Streatfield’s books.

Perhaps influenced by the latter author’s White Boots, she used to ice skate, with the full sequinned costume, jumps and spins! However, she is filled with horror by adrenaline sports, much preferring a nice cup of tea!

If she could time travel, she would return to London in the nineteen twenties, between the two World Wars however not being a fan of basic health care systems, would definitely take some antibiotics and a dentist with her!

She has long been a fan of cities with long, winding histories; wild, overgrown cemeteries; red brick Victorian museums; foxes, and ivy. One of her specialities is writing about ‘ghosts with issues’.

When not writing about these things, you can find her falling down the rabbit hole of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

She prefers to write with a cup of Darjeeling tea by her side and a Devon Rex cat curled up in her lap.

Her favourite words are oubliette and ambergris.